AT-40 DSFM Plate Cooler

An Accu-Therm® plate coolers lets you use your existing water supply to precool warm milk before putting it in your milk cooler. The Accu-Therm will cut the operation time of your milk cooling system up to 50 percent and save energy and money while enhancing your milk quality.


  • Saves up to 50 percent on energy costs by using municipal or well water to precool milk, significantly reduce operating time and wear-and-tear of your cooler’s refrigeration system.
  • Durable, rust resistant, type 304 stainless steel end frames and stainless steel compression bolts are maintenance free with no paint to crack or peel.
  • All AT-40 models have snap-in gaskets for ease of inspection.
  • Top quality, type 316 stainless steel plates for sanitary milk contact surface.
  • Clean-in-place system helps keep maintenance low.
  • An Accu-Therm plate heat exchanger, in conjunction with a Mueller chiller, can cool milk down to 37°F (2.8°C) in less time, which maintains high milk quality and impedes bacteria growth.

Specifications and Sizing

Mueller Wall-Mount Accu-Therm Plate Cooler Specifications
Part No. Model No. of Plates No. of Passes Shipping Weight (lbs)
Well Water Chilled Water
Milk Water Milk PG²
9816136 AT4DSW-31 31 1 —   —  95
9816138  AT4DSWD- 61 61 —  —  120
9816145 AT10DSWM-40 40 2 2 263
Multi-Pass, Multi-Duty¹
9403438 AT4DSWM-70 70 1 1 3 1 132
9816146 AT10DSWM-50 50 1 1 2 1 284
Multi-Pass, Single Duty³
9861033 AT10DSWD-52 52 2 1 287



Mueller Floor-Mount Accu-Therm Plate Cooler Specifications
Part No. Model No. of Plates No. of Passes Shipping Weight (lbs)
Well Water Chilled Water Chilled Water 2
Milk Water Milk PG² Milk Glycol
Multi-Pass, Multi-Duty¹
9816148 AT10DSFM-91 91 1 1 3 1  530
9831128 AT20DSFM-91 91 1 5 1 1,407
9831129 AT20DSFM-130 130 2 1 4 1 1,605
Multi-Pass, Multi-Duty¹, Three Section
9403117 AT20DSFMP-187 187 2 2 3 1 3 1 1,529
High Efficiency, Multi-Pass, Multi-Duty¹, Ported Terminal
9404352 AT4DSFMP-119 119 3 3 1 1 244
9404255 AT10DSFMP-96 96 2 2 2 1 600
9830581 AT20DSFMP-76 76 2 2 1 1,485
9831117 AT20DSFMP-96  96 4 1 1,547 
9402443  AT20DFSMP-174  174 6 1 1,788 
9403498 AT20DSBMP-270 270 4 4 4 1 2,063
9404462 AT40DSBMP-169 169 2 2 2 2 2,757
High Efficiency, Precooling Only, Multi-Pass
9830605 AT20DSF-48 48 4 4 1,152

*Accu-Therm plate coolers (heat exchangers) for other applications and flows are available upon request.
¹All connections are clamp-type fittings
²Propylene glycol
³For use with chilled water only


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Our Dairy Farm Partners

We are proud to partner with these leaders in the dairy farming industry. From legacy farms that have thrived through multiple generations to solar cooling in Africa that is providing young children their first taste of cold milk, our equipment is impacting lives around the world.