
Stainless Steel and AluminumTariffs  - Mitigating Project Risk


Stainless Steel Tariff

Monitoring Steel and Aluminum Pricing

Paul Mueller Company's primary source of stainless steel has always been from United States mills. The tariffs are affecting the supply of steel in the United States. Here's why: U.S. manufacturers who typically source their steel from other countries are now sourcing from domestic suppliers, thus creating more demand in the United States. This shift in demand has caused United States stainless steel mills to raise their prices on base material. We are monitoring these developing market conditions on behalf of our customers and their projects.

Committed to Communication

If you are in the midst of a stainless steel equipment project or considering starting one, you have likely wondered how the new 25% steel tariffs might affect you. At Paul Mueller Company we have not experienced nor do we expect to experience stainless steel supply shortages. Our project managers and professional purchasing staff are in daily contact with our stainless steel suppliers. These long-standing relationships benefit our customers now more than ever. As prices go up and down Paul Mueller Company is committed to communicating with our customers and keeping them informed with the most up-to-date information available. 

Managing Risk

This situation is changing rapidly. We feel confident telling our customers that earlier project decisions will help mitigate fluctuations in material pricing. We know you have important projects in the pipeline to reach your goals. Our employees are hard at work monitoring the affects of the tariff and trying to minimize its impact.